Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 20

Diary of Baby Turner (week 20!),

I think this has been the best week of my life so far! I got to go to the doctor with mommy and daddy and they took lots of pictures of me! I got to show off my whole body to my mama and daddy, all 10 oz. of it. My heart was beating at 156 beats per min. I got to show them my head, brain, spine, hands, arms, legs, feet, kidneys, stomach, and YES I even showed them if I was a boy or girl! I got to show them how I do a somersault, sit indian style, wave and even hit myself in the head!!! That made them all laugh. See, I'm hilarious already!

Mama and daddy decided to tell you all this Saturday at my party if I'm a boy or girl! She's excited about making the cupcakes and filling them with either blue or pink filling, so that when you bite into them you can find out if I'm a BOY or GIRL! I wish everyone could be there, but those of you who can't, that's ok, we'll email you right after. Now don't forget to come wearing either blue or pink Saturday. Blue if you think I'm a boy and pink if you think I'm a girl! Also, my mama is making a scrapbook family tree for me, so if you have copies of pictures of my grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins as babies &/or adults, I will love having those to keep forever!

Can't wait for the big reveal party! See some of you Saturday!

Love, your big boy OR girl!!! :)

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